2023-2024 Officers:
More information about these positions can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws.
President: Harold “Rog” Rogers
The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings, call Special Meetings, appoint such committees as are not provided for in the Bylaws, and, jointly with the Secretary and Treasurer, sign all written contracts and other obligations of the Society. The President shall assume the duties of Chairperson of the Executive Board and supervise the business of the Society. The President shall also be responsible for making arrangements for a meeting place for Regular Meetings and certifying the Treasurer’s annual audit of financial records.
President-Elect: John Berry
The duties of the President-Elect and Past - President shall be to participate in Executive Board meetings and Technical Program Committee (arranging speakers). The President -Elect will serve as understudy to the President, and will assume the office of the President the following year. The President Elect shall also serve as Chairperson of the Election Committee. The duties of the Past President will be to serve as Society parliamentarian and to appoint and Chair the Constitution and Bylaws Committee as required.
Vice-President: Sylvia Pope
The duties of the Vice-President shall be to assume the office of president when a vacancy for any cause occurs and assume the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President. In addition, the Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson of the Meetings & Social Events Committee, and is responsible for logistics of all regular meetings of the Society (meeting room set up, access and close-down, audio/visual equipment, and refreshments, in consultation with the President).
Secretary: Christopher Heiligenstein
The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the Minutes as required, to attend to all correspondence and press notices, to receive and be custodian of all documents and papers of the Society, to maintain oversight of a current digital roster of the Society membership, to work with the Treasurer and Membership Committee Chair to maintain and utilize the digital membership roster, and to notify all Executive Board members of each Executive Board Meeting. The Secretary shall also serve as Chairperson of the Newsletter Committee. The Secretary, jointly with the President and Treasurer, shall sign all written contracts and other obligations of the Society and shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-President.
Treasurer: Peter Pope
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive and disburse all funds as authorized by the Society, to keep accurate accounts thereof, and to submit annually a report of the Treasurer's records for auditing. The Treasurer shall work with the Secretary and Membership Chair to maintain and utilize the digital membership roster. The Treasurer shall be present or delegate a substitute to be present at each Regular Meeting to collect monies and membership applications. The Treasurer, jointly with the President and Secretary, shall sign all written contracts and other obligations of the Society, and shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
Past President: Cary L. Betz
Elections for officers are held at the annual May meeting.
*two year terms
Standing Committees and chairs:
Descriptions of the duties can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Awards and Scholarships: Shane Valentine
Constitution and Bylaws (Past president): Linda Ruiz McCall
Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Unassigned
Education: Sylvia Pope
Election (President-Elect): Cary L. Betz
Field Trip: Christian Dohse, Al Cherepon, Charlotte Sullivan, Mustafa Saribudak, Pat Dickerson, Chris Caran, John Berry
Finance: Executive Committee, Dallas Dunlap
Meetings and Social Events (Vice president): Harold Rogers
Membership: Scott Underwood
Newsletter (Secretary): Christopher Heiligenstein
Professional Affairs: George Dunfield
Publications: Rebecca C. "Becky" Smyth
Technical Program: Executive Committee
Website: Sean Avitt
Special Committees
AAPG House of Delegates: Scott Tinker, Dallas Dunlap, and Ali Sloan
Historical: Norm Hood, Earle McBride, Tom Patty
Student Liaison: UT JSG GSEC, UGS, and GLOW representatives
Ad Hoc Committees
Media: Will Boettner
Society and College Liaison: Will Boettner