AGS Awards Regional Endowed Scholarship to McKenna Riggen

AGS President Christian Dohse attended the ACC Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences meeting on Friday Feb 8th and awarded McKenna Riggen the Regional Endowed Scholarship on behalf of AGS. Congratulations McKenna! Thanks to the AGS offices and awards chairs and ACC Faculty/ AGS member Bob Blodgett.

McKenna Riggen (left) accepts the award from Christian Dohse.

McKenna Riggen (left) accepts the award from Christian Dohse.

From left to right: former AGS President Dennis Trombatore, McKenna Riggen, and AGS President Christian Dohse.

From left to right: former AGS President Dennis Trombatore, McKenna Riggen, and AGS President Christian Dohse.

AGS Field Trip to Big Bend Ranch State Park: A few seats are available!

Contact Pat Dickerson if you are interested in attending: patdickerson(at)


Pre- and Post-trip Lodging information:

February 24th (night before departure) and again on February 27th (return to Alpine) participants will need to arrange their own accommodation.

The Quarter Circle 7 Hotel has agreed to block 15 double occupancy (queen beds) rooms. The reduced rate for participants of the AGS Field Trip is $120.60 before taxes, $60.30 per person. If not doubling up please do not request the blocked rooms. Reservations can be made by calling the Quarter Circle 7 Hotel directly at (432) 837 - 1100 and requesting the Austin Geological Society rate. The Hotel Manager's name is Ms. Rebecca Pape.

This location will be the starting and ending points for the trip and all field trip participants will need to assemble there at 7:30 on Monday, February 25th, for prompt departure to Big Bend Ranch State Park. The hotel is located on the West side of town. I have also arranged for monitored parking for all personal vehicles to be left there during the trip. (Hopefully people will be carpooling where possible.) No personnel vehicles will accompany the trip.

AAPG Annual Convention (San Antonio, May 19-22)

On behalf of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), its divisions, the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), and host societies— the Austin Geological Society (AGS) and the South Texas Geological Society (STGS), it is our pleasure to invite you to join us at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas 19-22 May for the AAPG 2019 Annual Convention and Exhibition (ACE).

Click here to register and learn more
